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How to Write and Publish Your Book #7

Posted by Andy McDermott / Director Publicious Pty Ltd on 25 October 2014

Which type of publishing is for you?

Congratulations! You've finished your book, you've had it edited and you've done some research and learned all about the types of publishing that is on offer.

As you consider your publishing options, here are a few things to bear in mind:

Traditional Publishing:

  • Most traditional publishers do not accept unsolicited manuscripts, so you will need a literary agent.

  • Most literary agents do not accept unsolicited manuscripts, due to the huge numbers of manuscript submissions.

  • Some publishers and agents will only consider first-time authors through referrals from a well-known, traditionally published author.

  • Traditional publishers usually only accept manuscripts produced by authors with proven writing credentials and concise samples of their work.

If you are adamant about choosing traditional publishing, expect to receive a few rejection slips (most authors have), then take note of what I said about being a full time writer and go for it. Don’t give up until you have realized your dream. Good luck!

Partnership/Vanity publishing:

  • Shop around for the best deal.

  • Understand that you may be signing over all your rights and around 80% of your royalties for a period of up to 5 years.

  • Do not sign a contract unless you are absolutely certain of the terms and agreements.

  • Make sure you are fully aware of what the publisher is supposed to be doing for you.


  • Suitable for all kinds of writers.

  • Authors retain rights, full control over their book, are not retained under contract, and earn 100% royalties.

  • Publication support services are available that allow you to achieve a high quality product that can compete with traditionally published works.

Have you written your memoir and only want to print a few copies of a quality hardback book for family and friends? Are you an entrepreneur or an expert in your field who requires a printed book to sell at conferences or seminars? Do you have an ebook to either sell or give away via your website? Perhaps you are an artist or photographer and would like to produce a coffee table book. Then again, maybe you are a children’s writer, with a series of books ready to delight young readers - or a novelist building your brand and wanting to sell your fiction to the world. Whatever your needs, there has never been a better time to take advantage of the benefits and flexibility of self-publishing.

The changing face of publishing

The publishing industry is going through a time of enormous change. With the inexpensive options of Print On Demand and ebooks, authors can self-publish their books and ebooks and distribute them worldwide without the need for and hassle of traditional publishers.

It's impossible not to notice how many high street bookstores are closing down as a result of more and more buyers purchasing books online and downloading ebooks to an array of digital devices. This ever-expanding situation is bad news for the publishing houses and bookstores, but music to the ears of self-published authors who would otherwise never have a chance of seeing their titles stocked in the bookstores. It also opens lucrative opportunities for experienced authors who, in the past, have been rejected and, in some cases, belittled by the traditional publishing houses.

Self-publishing is no longer a last resort alternative used by authors who were unable, for one reason or another, to publish traditionally. It is now a booming industry which showed an amazing 287% growth between 2006 and 2011, and a further 60% growth in 2012. This is why self-publishing is becoming the first choice of most authors and entrepreneurs.

Join me next time when we'll be discussing what to do next for those authors who have decided to tread the self-publishing path.

Until then...write on!


Andy McDermott / Director Publicious Pty LtdAuthor:Andy McDermott / Director Publicious Pty LtdConnect via:TwitterLinkedIn
Tags:Andy McDermott / Director

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